
National Coalition for Equity (NCFE) was formed in 2017 by national, regional, and local organizations to increase the flow of private capital into traditionally underserved disenfranchised communities. NCFE has grown into an association of more than 50 community-based organizations that promote access to basic banking services, affordable housing, entrepreneurship, job creation and vibrant communities for America’s working families.

Community serviced

Our members include community reinvestment organizations; community development corporations; local and state government agencies; faith-based institutions; community organizing and civil rights groups; minority and women-owned business associations, as well as local and social service providers from across the nation.


of traditionally underserved and disenfranchised communities are low-and-moderate income (LMI)

Out of these LMI individuals:

67% are women
33% are men
100% are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

Racial equity cannot happen without economic equity. Corporations across the country are pledging action and millions of dollars of investment into “racial justice” causes, yet there has been very little movement.

Dedrick Asante-Muhammad for Institute for Policy Studies


National Coalition for Equity (NCFE) is a culmination of all those voices that seemingly aren't heard, a catalyst for the historically excluded to assemble as a single body. This is a movement to create equity in housing, access to capital, business, employment, and education.

The time for change is always now.



Financial Quality, Education With Investment, Boldly Pushing Towards Results. As an advocacy group promoting social justice, we are not able to take on every cause. The ultimate vision is to provide the tools to the people where they can take on their inequity.

Where the historically excluded assemble as a single body.

Katherine Peoples


  • 15,000Households served
  • 1,589Fair Housing Filings
  • 650Internet and devices handed out to lessen the Digital Divide
  • 10,000Prevented foreclosures and evictions
  • 150+Small Business Loans


Katherine Peoples

Katherine Peoples

Brittany Medina

Brittany Medina

Emily Rodriguez

Emily Rodriguez

Danielle Harmon

Danielle Harmon

Daphene Calloa

Daphene Calloa

Nancy Rodriguez

Nancy Rodriguez

Long gone are the days of being a neutral bystander to issues of inequity and social injustice.

We live in perilous times. Where life’s everyday fruits are slowly being plucked away, with no one asking why? Figure that just the way it is. National Coalition for Equity (NCFE) encourages All Voices To Speak Up! Being muted, means you have succumbed to being a part of the problem. Speak your mind. This may seem hard, but it is and always should be about quality of life.

NCFE is a catalyst for all unheard voices to be encouraged to speak your mind regarding the unjust conditions that persist.

Things are only getting worst not better for communities of color. Even though regulating bodies have years have given the optical illusion to promote justice for all. Why has Black homeownership failed to advance any further in 2022 from 1968 systemic patterns and practices of the 1960.

Whether on social media or in real life, we need to amplify, support, and cultivate a culture of encouragement. The more we do that, the more we build toward lasting positive change. This would help others to speak out against injustice, do the right thing and feel heard.

Your fellow at NCFE are tired of being tired when it comes to meeting all the qualifications and still being turned down for that home loan. Tired of being tired knowing if you could just get someone to help with capital to fund your small business dream you could improve your current financial circumstances. Tired of being tired knowing the education provided is the worst when your children deserve so much more. Tired of being tired knowing that we should not have to pay fees to cash and check or pay utility bills. The burden is on us if we want to see crooked paths straighten. We all need to look into our own communities and networks to bring awareness to injustices that directly impact each and every one of our lives. Stop letting the norm be the norm and demand better.

While these truths are hard for many people to hear and absorb, that shouldn’t discourage us from doing the work, but instead fuel the movement to speak out.

Many people will refuse to listen. Many will try to shut you down. Many will tell you that what you’re saying doesn’t matter.

However, let’s remember that no one made a difference by making everyone happy—or staying silent.

I’ll leave you with a final thought:

If people don’t disagree with you, then maybe you’re not telling the truth.

Step up to the mic and tell your story of adversity (Past, Present, Current) and lets us champion together for equity in housing, access to capital, business, employment, and education.

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HPP CARES CDE's accomplishments these past few years have been significant and all-encompassing; striving to advocate under the National Coalition for Equities’ umbrella to maintain a powerful community voice among the Federal and State regulators and major private sector corporations to address public policy issues, and to focus on the wealth & income inequality affecting affordable homeownership and small business growth. With the NCFE, HPP CARES CDE’s outreach efforts have led to an increase in corporate social responsibility and consumer protection. We have been able to reach more people, collaborate with more companies, meet with more regulators, all in the name of helping deserving individuals become sustainable homebuyers, successful small business owners, protected consumers and empowering California communities. HPP CARES CDE is at the forefront of helping people of color become partners in our mission to reduce income and wealth inequality and build stronger futures for all minority groups.